Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find answers to the most commonly asked lawn care questions. If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, simply give us a call at 317-861-1234 or to send us an email Click Here. We will be more than happy to answer any question you may have.

Why do I need to hire a professional lawn care company?
Our ability to share our knowledge. We can tell you whether or not the problem with your lawn is caused by disease, insects, mower blade sharpness or something as simple as a lack of water. Through the years we have seen many things that could be a challenge for many homeowners to tackle on their own. When you hire AllStar Turf Management, you get licensed and trained professionals, and that is not the case when purchase off the shelf. We pride ourselves on offering customers the highest service, because we know we are applying the correct amount of the best products at the desired time, and do-it-yourselfers can’t be sure of that. We will strive to make sure the lawn meets your satisfaction.
Are the products that you use the same as the ones I could buy myself?
There are some good over-the-counter products, and you could probably do half of what we do similarly yourself. We do have some “professional use only” products that you would not have access to. These products help with some of the more difficult-to-control weeds, or they deliver longer residual control than what is available to unlicensed individuals. This issue goes back to the previous question – putting down the right product at the correct rate. You may have access to the right product, but that depends on you making the proper diagnosis of the problem. So, along with our products, by hiring a lawn care professional you’re also gaining access to our knowledge and expertise. In addition, we are seeing more products taken away from homeowner use, especially in terms of fungicides that help control diseases. As a result, product availability is becoming more restricted.
When do you normally start lawn care services in the spring?
We get started when the weather permits. Typically, this is around the beginning of March. It usually takes about 5 – 6 weeks to get all of our round 1 customers completed, so you can expect to see us sometime between Mar 1 and April 30 as long as the weather cooperates.
I had my first application of the season. Why do I have weeds?
The first application contains a granular fertilizer and a pre-emergent for crabgrass, foxtail and other summer weeds. Since broadleaf weed control is not a preventative, it is only effective when weeds have already germinated and are actively growing. We use a liquid weed control, normally applied with your second and subsequent applications, when the weather has warmed up enough to allow the broadleaf weed control to be effective. Additionally, spraying the weeds the previous fall can greatly reduce the number of weeds you see in the spring.
How many applications of fertilizer do I need each year?
We use a slow release granular fertilizer, which is why we recommend that you fertilize every 5 – 8 weeks to keep your lawn healthy and green. This generally works out to be about 5 applications per year.
Why is it important to put a pre-emergent crabgrass control down in the spring?
In order to control crabgrass, the product must go down early in the season to create a barrier which stops crabgrass germination. We recommend applying a pre-emergent before May 15 for best results.
It has been three days since my application was done. Why do I still have weeds?
Some broad-leaf weeds will curl up and die almost immediately and some will take as much as two weeks to die. In any case, if there are still weeds present after two weeks, simply call us and we will come right out and reapply the weed control at no extra charge.
When can I let my dog out after an application?
As soon as the grass is dry. Usually, this is within 1 hour on a sunny day. However, our general rule of thumb is to wait 2 hours after any application to let your pets back on the lawn.
Does weed control work if it rains after the application?
Yes, we use a spreader/sticker in conjunction with the weed control. After a half hour or so when the product is dry, it cannot be washed off by rain or sprinklers. Plus, most weed control applications need the rain, or water, to carry the weed control down into the root zone to kill the weed thoroughly.
How long after an application on my lawn can I start watering?
You can begin to water your lawn after the sprays have dried which is usually in about an hour on a sunny day.
How often should I water?
We recommend watering every other day between 5 am and 9 am for 20 – 30 minutes per zone. On extremely hot days, add an evening watering after 7 pm. Be sure to avoid watering during the hottest part of the day.
How can I avoid drought stress on my lawn?
We recommend that your lawn gets 1″ – 2″ of water per week. You will usually need 20-30 minutes per zone at least every other day. This will insure continuous growth.
My lawn just doesn't look the way I want it to. What should I do?
Simply give us a call or send us an email. We are always glad to come out and resolve any problem with your lawn.
Last year I had a pre-emergent crabgrass application, but in August I still had some crabgrass. Why?
Sometimes the barrier that is created by pre-emergent crabgrass control becomes broken due to a number of different factors like edging the grass along the sidewalk/driveway or mowing the grass too short and when its not truly needed will sometimes affect the barrier. If this happens, just give us a call and we will gladly come out a take a look. We can apply an additional application of a post emergent product that works well for this problem.
I have brown spots on my lawn. What are they?
There are many reasons for brown spots. A proper diagnosis by a professional is very important. It could be anything from a dog urine burn to a disease or insect problem. Just call us for a free diagnosis.
What is mower stress on the lawn?
There are several things that can cause mower stress on lawns. One of the most common is dull mower blades. Make sure you sharpen your mower blades professionally twice a year. Never cut your grass too short. We recommend a minimum mowing height of 3″. Also, when the outside temperature is very hot (usually over 90) the wheels of your lawn mower can break the blades of your grass leaving brown tire tracks. Your lawn generally will recover in two to three weeks if you are properly watering. Take a look at our Mowing Tips page for more info.
How is core aeration beneficial for my lawn?
Core aeration is the best non-chemical thing you can do for your lawn. An aeration has many benefits:
1. It allows water, air, and nutrients to get directly to the roots.
2. It helps to break down thatch.
3. It is one of the best ways to fight disease.
4. It helps allow roots to become larger and healthier, which in turn makes your lawn thicker and greener.
5. It also lowers your watering bill because less water is wasted through evaporation.
When is the best time to seed my lawn?
Early fall is the very best time to seed your lawn. Spring can also be a good time to seed if you are able to make sure the tender, newly germinated seed is adequately watered during the extremely harsh conditions that exist during the summer.
Is there a charge if we need to come back and look at your lawn?
No. We provide service calls to address issues covered based on your program.
Does a lawn fertilization company need to be licensed?
Yes. Any company that applies pesticides must be licensed by the state in which they apply the pesticides. That is the law.
What risk do my children and pets face after a weed control product has been applied?
Please follow our rule of thumb and keep all pets and kids off a treated lawn until it has dried, normally 2 hours. This will reduce the potential for contact with the material to practically nothing. When the weed control is applied to a lawn, it dries very quickly to the target area. Once the product has dried on the surface of plants, it becomes practically impossible to remove any residues from the surfaces.
When should I cut the grass?
Your lawn should be mowed regularly at a proper height of 3″ or taller. This means that your lawn may require mowing more than once a week during peak growth and only once every two weeks (or longer) during periods of slow growth. Since the root system of a grass plant grows proportionately to the above ground parts of the plant, a longer cutting height results in a stronger, deeper root system which means your lawn will be healthier and greener.
New Palestine, IN 46143
(317) 861-1234